Munchkin LiteGo down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Munchkin Lite has all the same dungeon-crawling, pun-making, backstabbing ...
Lost Cities Card GameLost Cities is a card game in the Kosmos two-player series. The game originally consisted of a single deck of cards of rank 2Æ’??10 in five different colors with three special "handshakes" ("HS" in...
Railroad Ink: BlueIn the multiplayer puzzle game Railroad Ink, your goal is to connect as many exits on your board as possible. Each round, a set of dice are rolled in the middle of the table, determining which kind...
Star Munchkin 3 Diplomatice InpunityAfter far too long, your favorite space-faring munchkins are BACK! This expansion includes Ships your characters can use to explore the cosmos; a new Class, Ambassador, that can commandeer Ships fr...
Munchkin Zombies 2 Armed and DangerousMunchkin Zombies 2: Armed and Dangerous, a 112-card expansion for Munchkin Zombies, has a new Mojo (Patchwork Zombie) and a new Power (Hungry). It comes with the standard set of curses, monster enh...
Munchkin Game ChangersMunchkin Game Changers collects the cards from four out-of-print Munchkin boosters (Munchkin Fairy Dust, Munchkin Monster Enhancers, Munchkin Reloaded!, and Munchkinomicon), along with the cards fr...
Munchkin 8 Half Horse Will TravelMunchkin 8: Half Horse, Will Travel is a 112-card expansion for Munchkin that adds two new races to the game: Centaur and Lizard Guy. A myriad other new cards are included, such as race/class enhan...
Munchkin 7 Cheat With both HandsMunchkin 7: Cheat With Both Hands replaces Munchkin Blender and Munchkin 7: More Good Cards, which are both out of print. More specifically, Cheat With Both Hands reprints Munchkin Blender, but wit...
Munchkin 5 De-rangedMore of the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic in a 112-card supplement for Munchkin! De-Ranged has everything you love about Munchkin, including: A new Class! Rangers can tame m...
Munchkin 4 Need for SteedMunchkin 4: The Need for Steed is the latest expansion for the original Munchkin - 112 more John Kovalic-illustrated cards for killing monsters, stealing treasure, and backstabbing your fellow play...
Munchkin 3 Clerical ErrorsYou wanted more Munchkin, so here it is! Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic... Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors has 112 more cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters an...
Munchkin 2 Unnatural AxeYou demanded it, and here it is. Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic... 112 more cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes...
Mage Knight Board Game: Krang Character ExpansionKrang is here! Let Chaos reign! The Mage Knight Board Game: Krang Character Expansion includes all that players need to add Krang, the mysterious and dangerous Orc Chaos Shaman, as a new playable ...
Carcassonne: Expansion 6 - Count/King/RobberThe sixth large expansion to Carcassonne released in Europe by Hans im Gl?¬ck is actually a compilation of three existing small expansions and a new one. Before Z-Man Games, Inc. picked up the Car...
Carcassonne: Expansion 5 - Abbey and MayorThe fifth major expansion to Carcassonne, Abbey & Mayor adds 3 new wooden piece types, 6 abbey tiles, and 12 landscape tiles. The Abbey tiles act as Cloisters but do not have to match adjacent ...
Carcassonne: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars ExpansionThe eighth expansion for Carcassonne, Br?¬cken, Burgen und Basare (English: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars) allows players three new options while playing: Bridges may be used to continue a road ...
Carcassonne Expansion 3: The Princess and the DragonIn this third major expansion for the prize-winning Carcassonne, we move into the realm of fantasy. The land around Carcassonne is being visited by a dragon, making life very difficult for the foll...
Carcassonne Exp 9: Hills & SheepCarcassonne: Hills & Sheep is the ninth numbered expansion for the Carcassonne base game, and now players get to be shepherds on the hills in addition to the usual thieves, knights, monks and f...