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Star Wars Legion: X-34 LandspeederR 1,085.00Already a speedy craft thanks to its powerful repulsor engine, an X-34 Landspeeder becomes a threat to even the toughest Imperial opponents when driven by an experienced pilot and equipped with an ...
Star Wars X-Wing: TIE/vn Silencer Expansion PackR 520.00The TIE/vn silencer is the most elite starfighter developed for the First Order by Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems. Built in the depths of the Unknown Regions with the technologies that once made the T...
Star Wars X-Wing: TIE/sf Fighter Expansion PackR 455.00Development of the TIE/sf fighter required Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems to pioneer new energy-cell technology to power the advanced systems demanded by the First Order Special Forces. The resulting ...
Star Wars X-Wing: Resistance Transport Expansion PackR 825.00The Resistance Transport is a custom-built shuttle used by the Resistance as a troop carrier and gunship. Its modular design means the vessel's cockpit pod can be flown independently on missions th...
Star Wars X-Wing: Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter Expansion PackR 475.00Sleek and agile, the Naboo Royal N-1 is well-suited to its role as a diplomatic escort for that planetÆ’??s ambassadors. Beneath the gleaming chromium of its elegant spaceframe are advanced Nubian ...
Star Wars X-Wing: Millennium Falcon Expansion PackR 910.00After winning the ship that would become legend from Lando Calrissian, Han Solo and Chewbacca made several special modifications to the Millennium Falcon for their smuggling career. Now, these scru...
Star Wars X-Wing: Hyena-class Droid Bomber Expansion PackR 410.00Baktoid Armor WorkshopÆ’??s Hyena-class droid bomber is a wartime evolution of the Trade FederationÆ’??s Vulture-class droid fighter. Carrying an extensive payload of experimental and deadly ordnan...
Star Wars X-Wing: A/SF-01 B-Wing Expansion PackR 520.00Incorporating a revolutionary gyrostabilization system, the A/SF-01 B-wing is dangerous to fly and difficult to master. In the right hands, however, the B-wingÆ’??s formidable weapons can be used t...