Star Wars Legion: B2 Super Battle Droids Unit ExpansionB2 Super Battle Droids are the hulking, brutal cousins of the wiry B1-series battle droids of the Separatist army. Heavily armored and devastatingly powerful with their integrated wrist blasters, t...
Star Wars Legion: Imperial Bunker Battlefield ExpansionAs outposts and data centers, Imperial bunkers play a pivotal role in securing the Empire's reign over the galaxy. Found on Imperial-controlled planets such as Scarif and the forest moon of Endor, ...
Star Wars Legion: Darth Vader Operative ExpansionFeared by friend and foe alike, Darth Vader is the living embodiment of the EmpireÆ’??s might. Before he could become one of the most fearsome field commanders in the galaxy, however, he honed his ...
Star Wars Legion: Luke Skywalker Operative ExpansionOne of the Rebellion's most enduring heroes, Luke Skywalker has sparked hope across the galaxy. As the first new Jedi Knight in a generation, he helped bring the Empire to its knees and began the p...
Star Wars Legion: Phase I Clone Troopers Upgrade ExpansionThe Galactic RepublicÆ’??s Phase I Clone Troopers are always armed with state-of-the-art equipment. For most clone troopers, this means carrying the powerful and versatile DC-15A blaster rifle, but...
Star Wars Legion: B1 Battle Droids Upgrade ExpansionThe Separatist AllianceÆ’??s B1 Battle Droids are manufactured to attack in massive numbers and wear down enemy forces through raw attrition alone. But that does not mean they don't have other purp...
Star Wars Legion: Rebel Troopers Upgrade ExpansionThe Rebellion is made up of beings from countless worlds, all standing united in opposition to the tyranny of the Empire. No matter what world they hail from, every Rebel trooper dedicates their li...
Star Wars Legion: Imperial Stormtroopers Upgrade ExpansionA ubiquitous sight across the galaxy, white-armored stormtroopers strike fear into the hearts of all those who would oppose the Empire. Though their uniform armor and rigid tactics emphasize the cr...
Star Wars Legion: Clone Captain Rex Commander ExpansionClone Captain Rex viewed military service as an honor, and his loyalty to the Republic and his Jedi Generals was absolute. Rex honed the use of twin blaster pistols into an art form, leading his fe...
Marvel Champions LCG: Core SetRhino rampages through the streets of New York, Klaw peddles illegal weapons to the worldÆ’??s most dangerous criminals, Ultron threatens global annihilation. The world needs champions to stop thes...
BattlelandsBattleLands is a fast and furious game of turf warfare for 3-5 players. Send your fighters to seize key locations, or recruit even fiercer warriors who can help you turn the tide! Use your faction'...
ObscurioThe Sorcerer is out to get you! Find your way among the illusions, but beware of the traitor in your ranks! The Grimoire guides their team towards the exit using images, upon which they point at ce...
Black AngelHumanity, through its irresponsible behavior, has exhausted the natural resources of Earth, making it almost uninhabitable. In a burst of lucidity, pressed by the irreversible degradation of you...
Nessos*PRE-ORDER* This item is a pre-order Æ’?? Nessos is expected to be released and dispatched on TBA. Date subject to change. In Nessos, you must embody Greek heroes who imprison mythological creature...