Star Wars Legion: Cad Bane Operative ExpansionThere are some jobs drbattle droids just can't complete. When a task requires a little more finesse, the Separatist Alliance doesn't hesitate to hire a professional bounty hunter like Cad Bane. Wil...
Star Wars Legion: ARC Troopers Unit ExpansionARC Troopers are among the most elite clone troopers, utilizing specialized equipment and intensive training to push their physical, tactical, and strategic skills to the limit. These troopers are ...
Star Wars Legion: Padme Amidala Operative ExpansionThe Galactic Senate is no place for civility. Full of politicians squabbling for their own interests rather than those of the worlds they represent, it is easy for an idealistic Senator to be cast ...
Marvel Champions LCG: Doctor Strange Hero PackWhen renowned surgeon Doctor Stephen Strange sought to fix his broken hands through magical means, he found a new calling in life. Utilizing mystic forces beyond our mortal understanding, Doctor St...
Marvel Champions LCG: Hulk Hero PackSaturated by deadly gamma rays while saving his best friend from the detonation of an experimental bomb, the genius Dr. Bruce Banner has transformed into the towering, muscle-bound Hulk. Though Hul...
Marvel Champions LCG: Black Widow Hero PackSpy, Assassin,Hero: Natasha Romanov has taken on many roles, and played many sides, in a life shrouded in mystery. But throughout every new stage of life, Natasha has developed a unique set of skil...