NECRONS: OPHYDIAN DESTROYERSRepugnant to other Necrons, Ophydian Destroyers echo elements of servile Canoptek Wraiths and reviled Flayed Ones in their murder-optimised bodies. Tunnelling through solid ferrocrete with frenzied...
NECRONS: C'TAN SHARD OF THE VOID DRAGONShards of the Void Dragon fill the air around them with a searing scream of distorted static. With a gesture they can unmake the war engines of the lesser races, dragging the resultant disintegrati...
NECRONS: CONVERGENCE OF DOMINIONStarsteles were placed upon worlds as territorial markers and silent guardians by jealous Necron nobles. Over the millennia they have become forgotten archaeological curios or feared sources of sup...
NECRONS: MONOLITHNothing is so emblematic of Necron implacability as the Monolith. Like all Necron constructs, it is composed of living metal €“ a complex semi-sentient alloy that ripples and flows to repair damage...
SPACE MARINES: PRIMARIS TECHMARINEWarhammer 40K Primaris Techmarines stride selflessly through oncoming fire to soothe the machine spirits of wounded war engines, deftly peeling back damaged armour plates to repair burnt-out cablin...
SPACE MARINES: HAMMERFALL BUNKERHammerfall Bunkers are launched from Space Marine warships in the same manner as Drop Pods. Automated area-denial assets crewed by hard-wired servitors, they have all kinds of battlefield roles, in...