KHARADRON OVERLORDS: GRUNDSTOK THUNDERERSThe Grundstok Thunderers are militarised formations employed by the fleet to help defend it. The endless training and drilling conducted by the Grundstok Academies results in high standards of disc...
KHARADRON OVERLORDS: SKYRIGGERSEndrinriggers are members of the Endrineers Guild, and report to a ship€™s Captain as well as the fleet€™s Endrinmaster. They bear rapid-fire rivet guns and aethermatic saws for conducting airborne...
FYRESLAYERS: VULKITE BERZERKERSKnown across the Realms for their prowess in battle and absolute lack of fear when faced with enemies that tower over their stout forms, Vulkite Berzerkers are rightly feared by their enemies. Born...
FYRESLAYERS: HEARTHGUARDElite, trusted custodians of a lodge€™s magma-vault, Auric Hearthguard have the honour of protecting the ur-gold earned by their brothers - and therefore guarding the spirit of Grimnir himself. The...
DAUGHTERS OF KHAINE MELUSAIBlood Sisters are powerful warriors used as bodyguards to High Priestesses or Bloodwrack Medusae, or as a potent vanguard for the war covens. Each Blood Sister is equipped with a heartshard glaive ...
IDONETH DEEPKIN: AKHELIAN MORRSARR GUARDNo troops exemplify the Idoneth Deepkin way of life more than the Akhelian Guard. Mounted atop Fangmora Eels, they fight in a loose formation ideal for rapid assaults and sudden retreats, typifying...